Saturday, April 25, 2009


I never eat breakfast. Depends on the defintion. Is 10:30 still breakfast ?
Anyway, the last few days I've been doubley hungry. A fierce feeling freeking me out to be fed. The Uitsmijter is not enough !
Virtual hunger ? For real ?

Will leaeve Africa in two days. Shame !

I can't take their hunger home.

And my hunger is of no importance.
Tomorrow is just another day.
I will eat but still stay hungry. A Western Luxury Problem !

Bollocks, M.

Monday, April 20, 2009

5 Miles Off The Ground.

Time, technologie, space and high definition vision.
It put`s all of your pals off.
I lost somebody today, who I thought, .... ????
But I Shoot To Killl,
And You Always Know I Will,
I´m A Bommer....... !

Mia´s spirit lives on. And there´s nothing I can do.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Burning Up, Burning Out...

Seething... ! They all seem not to notice. They could read it from the wrinkles around my eyes or the scars on my arms and even from the Crass emblem tattooed on my shoulder. But because I always say please and thank you and nod my head in the right places, they still don`t see the angry `young`man within. SEETHING !
It seems I can handle myself pretty well `till the blood begins to flow... Which ain`t always a bad thing. Depends on which angle you see it from. Or how far you want to go or how curious you are...

Still looking for protection and still trying to stay out of trouble.....
It`s the same old new life....

M. x

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magic.

Blood: Blood will flow. As it does and must everyday. Whether it flows on the inside or the outside is sometimes of no importance whatsoever. It goes on. And so it goes.

Sugar: The sweetness of the magic of sex. Being a different being.

Sex: The magical mixture of passionate tenderness whilst being an annimal.

Magic: Tasting sugar whilst being outside yourself and still believing in the illusion. The magic goes on.


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Esperwnkig... 3.

It seems that maybe cats understand Esperwnkig more than your averge Joe.
Got to talking Esperwankig with Fidel ( the cat ) this evening and he seemed to undestand more in that half hour `conversation` than he had in the previous four years which consisted of English and Dutch..
But in any language he still can´t understand, `Don´t piss on my fucking couch !`
Little bastard.


I´ve seen many different life forms in my few years here. Mostly shades of yellow and green.
But today, to my wonder and amazement, I glimpsed a purple one ! Just lying there in my kitchen for a moment or two.
Beautifull but dangerous.
I let her go........

Monday, April 06, 2009

30 seconds.....

30 seconds before the lights went out I heard.....
Smitz aah. gwaaar weeer.
Esprewngig before the fall. I think, and hope. Otherwise people die in confusion.
And that ain´t good.
CK´s friend......

The Death Of..........

I can only imagine the last few minuetes. CK ´s dictaphone was still opperational so this is what I gather....?
He did his best to be friendly towards his travel companion and he said the right things. They both had no suspitions or warnings of the future. They were both a suspicious device.
At 33,oooft came the call. `fasten seat belts`.
And that is apparently what they did.
And this is the conversation which followed.........

Mia `We´re going down arn´t we ?
CK `Yeah , It´s all in the design
Mia `shit.
CK `I know. `

The rest was screeming and grunting.
I think that they shared some kind of heavenly bond before they both dived into the ocean togeather with 152 more.....

The only word I can make out before the meeting of metal and water was .... Jezebel... !!!!

Anyway, CK is gone and Mia had such a short life. But she´s gone too.

To all , don´t send flowers or cards..... Otherwise there will be a curse set apon you !!!!!

This is the end.