Friday, May 22, 2009

Lost. ( Missing.)

Terrence always hated his name but that is how how he grew up and he just exepted it. I just thought I´d let you know eventhough it has no bearing on this annacdote whatsoever.

Terrence was working late one night and was actually the last person in the office. Most of the lights in the office were out and his face sprang out from the glare of his computer.
It was nine thirty when for no apparent reason someone clubbed him over the back of the head. All lights went out.
Two hours later he woke up, felt the back of his head, looked at his hand, saw no blood and thought; `Well better call, eh...better go, go back home ?´
It was only after these thoughs that he thought `What the hell just happened ?

He rubbed the back of his head for a minute or two then in a reflex picked up his briefcase, and opened it. Nothing was missing though he did not recognise his passport photo or the nane on the cover. The names on his bank card and credit card were also unfamilliar. There were documents with his apparent name on.
He was bemused and confused and all of a sudden felt unsafe. He had to get out of the office. And fast !

Once outside he took more than one deep breath and it seemed to clear his head somewhat. But then he realized that he didn´t recognise anything. He walked calmly into the unknown streets with no fear or trepidation.
He found a park not three hundred yards from his office but it was still not known to him in his present state. He seated himself on a bench, placed his briefcase on his lap and opened it up. Everything was still there. But there was an addition. On top of all the documents was now a beautifully bound book. He gazed at the cover for a half hour before falling into a deep sleep.

The next day he managed to find his way to a railway station. The fact that he had forgotten much and recognised little didn´t hinder him in making a dessision to buy a aticket to Cornwall.

He has been living there for a while now and his credit card still holds out for the essencials. But for most of the time he just sits either on the rocks near the shoreline or in the meadow reading and rereading the book which appeared in his briefcase. He goes over and over it.
He looks out to sea or over the rolling hills thinking `Steal all the clocks, steal all the clocks...

Terrence knows his own future.


1 comment:

tifkap said...

nice story, but why did he fall asleep in the park?