Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Feeling Alright With The Crew.

A Saturday as many others. For Davy this was the usual ritual so he could never have suspected that from this day on life would be different eventhough he had hoped and prayed that this day would come. He, just as all the others, didn't see it coming. That's why, when looking back he still found it a wonder. He had dreamed of getting out of this way of life for more than a year then but could never see a way out for himself. And then all of a sudden it was all decided for him.
Davy was not a natural fighter. But he wanted to fit in. Somewhere. Anywhere! So to fit in somewhere and because he liked football he fell in with The Crew. Bad move!

He was sixteen then and within two years had become a respected member though not one of the hardest. (He disliked pain even when drunk.)
Every Saturday, home or away, trouble would find The Crew or The Crew would find trouble.Most of The Crew were now familly men so midweek matches were not battle days anymore. Times had changed and there were no younger members joining their ranks. The average age of The Crew was now around thirty, all balding and most with a paunch or a full blown beer belly. All had jobs, wives or girlfriends and most had children and responsabillities. Members included a stockbroker, a baker, a builder, a jounalist, a few factory workers and even a doctor.All apart from Davy had one thing in common. The exitement of the battle. And they all, including Davy liked to drink!
They had a reputation for being well dressed and well spoken. Not your typical bunch of hooligans by any stretch of the imagination. It was all very deceiving.

But his was the last day The Crew would be togeather and this is how it went...

Davy stood in front of The Nags Head where they all met before home matches and took a deep breath. He was feeling the build up of adrenaline as usual at this point as he knew that this was the prelude to battle.
He was the last one in and saw that there was a hundred percent turnout. This calmed his nerves somewhat as he knew there would always be someone to watch his back. Being a home match on home turf the mood was relaxed and jovial. Most of The Crew were dressed smartly with polished shoes and some were even wearing ties like they were going to an appointment with their lawyers or something. Only a few had jeans and trainers on and their excuse was that they had worked that morning. They being the baker and a couple of factory workers.
Davy got himself a pint and joined The Crew who were spread around the lounge bar in groups. The talk was of past conquests and the stratagey for today. This all just reinforced the feeling that he had to get out and find somewhere else to belong. He was getting so frustrated with this way of life that he knew that this must be the last day with The Crew. He downed his pint pretty quickly and put his glass down for a while to listen to the banter, chipping in every now and then. As he was going to the bar for another pint he saw two older men walk in. Usually on match days the lounge bar was exclusive to The Crew and anyone invading their space was looked upon with great suspicion. But the old guys carrying their shopping in Tesco bags were not going to cause any arguements and attracted no more attention than a quick glance. They managed to find a small table and shoved their shopping bags under it and casually started chatting. The Crew thought nothing of them. And nobody noticed that when they left they had left their shopping bags under the table.

Davy had just ordered his forth pint and had to go to the toilet. He had no first hand knowledge of how powerful percussion could be but he found out as he was standing there doing his business. One moment he was just standing there pissing wishing he belonged somewhere else and the next he was on the ground with a ringing in his ears. When he stood up he saw that he was covered in dust. He brushed himself down not knowing what had taken place and when he felt collected enough he opened the door to the lounge bar. He was confronted with the sight of carnage. Bleeding and dying people lay all around. The Tesco bags had exploded. The ultimate hooliganism!
And the only thought that entered his mind was; 'Brilliant.'

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