Monday, September 20, 2010

The First Day...(Of the Rest Of Blah, Blah, Blah). Or . Go Plagerise Yourself!!

All was peace and tranquillity in the sleepy little village he was walking through. He had left his car on the outskirts and hadn't even noticed the name of the village. It seemed of no importance to him. Nothing was of importance. Not these days. When he was younger everything seemed to be important but now there was no drama and no exitement. The sun was gorgious but left him cold.
He stopped at a cafe and ordered some coffe. He put three sugars in but it still left a bitter taste in his mouth.
The waitress was one of the most ugly women he had ever seen but her voice was the most beautiful he had heard. He wanted to have a conversation with her just to lose himself in her dreamy voice, but her face just put him off too much!
After three more coffes the climate was changing. The sun was still shining but the mood was taking a different direction....Frustration and heartache...It was time to move on. But before he left he walked over to the ugly waitress and to her suprise he wrapped his arms around her and pressed his cheek to hers and held it there for a full minute. She didn't move. Then without a word he put his money on the table and moved on. He didn't glance back but could feel her eyes on him.
He was heading for his car but seemed to think it was the wrong direction to take, a wierd feeling in his belly. What would the next town or village bring?

Having driven over the top of a hill he could see the next village about a mile away in the valley. He left the car on the side of the road and started to walk. No other cars passed him on his way. The feeling in his belly had not subsided but tanquillity had the upperhand. A half a mile before the village there was a clearing in the trees where he lay for a while tring to understand the slight internal unrest. He felt like he had drifted off but when he stood to walk again no time had passed. He carried on towards the village in the distance. The closer he got the more the feeling in his belly was changing into something more pleasant but still he could not describe it. It was of no importance.

It was a very small village and it felt like home as soon as he entered it. But what now?
He sat again outside a cafe and before he was served he realised that he could smell the sea. The woman that served him was about fifty, too large, but had the most beautiful brown eyes and an inviting smile. He ordered coffee again but now with a brandy. This he swallowed down in one which burned his stomach straight away but eased the unrest in his belly a bit. He breathed deeply and felt at ease.
A couple of locals came and sat at his table uninvited. This would usually have disturbed him but he was now so relaxed he found it almost comforting. They spoke to him and though their language was not his own he seemed to understand but he had to admit to his new found aquaintances that he didn't. They smiled at him and tried to speak his language and it felt.....right!
The strange feeling in his belly he now realised was a voice as his new friends stood up to leave. "Work", said one of them as they left.

It was so right! So right that he knew he wanted to stay here.
And the feeling in his belly said......."Desperately"!!!!

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