Monday, September 13, 2010

The Big Parade.

The day of the big parade had come and Damian had woken up early and was very exited. As were all his friends who were as equally early awake. They all loved the big parade which came to town once a year. It was only one of the biggest events that happened in the village so it was lookeked forward to with great expectation.
Damian's parents had still not risen and his older brother was still asleep.
For Damian this was just about the happiest day of the year.The floats, the bands, and the women who threw sweets and small gifts.
The preperations had been building up for days only adding to the anticipation. For the orginizers this was a complicated affair if things were to run smoothly. But Damian and his friends thought it just happend.
Damian looked outside and saw that it was a beautiful sunny day which only added to his happiness.
The floats were almost the same every year but for Damian it seemed like a new experience every time. Mind you, he had only seen the Big Parade three times before.
His favorite floats were the one's representing Heaven and Hell which followed eachother in the procsession.The Heeavenly float was alwasys in front of the Hellish float and beautiful women thre flowers to the crowds that lined the streets.
The Hell float was filled with devils and demons who snarled and growled and then gave demonic laughs which scared the very yong children.
But Damian was now seven years old and the Father Christmas myth was already a fable to him. That particular belief did not exist for him anymore. But the pagen Angles and Demons were still fresh and exiting, or so he thought.
He had arranged to meet with his friends on the village Green two hours before the parade would begin. All his friends were slightly younger than himself and their exitement was even greater than his......
One hour before the parade would begin they had found their place on the street with the best view. And as the crowds grew so did their anticipation.And then the parade began.....

Brass bands, morris dancers and then a millitary band made their way down main street. The adults clapped and cheered and the joy on the faces of the children only added to the happiness of the parents. The sun was shining and it was getting warmer. The first few floats were more or less just advertizements for local buisnesses and those in the surrounding area but they were brightly covered and the rep's threw then sweets and small gifts.
The Angels and the Demons were getting closer and closer and Damians' grin could not have been broarder. But as they got closer still his smile began to fade. The angels no longer seemed as angelic as he remembered and the demons seemed tired and halfhearted.
Damian didn't have the words to describe how he was now feeling and he just thought he was disappointed.
But the sad truth was that his innocence had once and for all been stolen.

The Fucking End !!!

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