Wednesday, August 30, 2006


If you were told to be bold instead of cold would it hold..........water?
If it were said that you be fed with nought but bread would it get in your head....... mistress?
If I were to say go away and play would you do it staight away or......... delay?
If you were to use glue to stick me to the loo what would I do...... when the vicar comes?
If you commit treason in this season there must be a reason more than peas 'n'......... carrots!
If you feel shit it must be its that your a git that should commit........Hari Kiri!
If you're on a roof don't be aloof or you'll lose a tooth when you fall......SPLAT!
If you're on cloud nine beware of the time and watch for the sign........ that's going to fall on your head!
If I shout go without without a doubt would you pout or call me a lout and...... put me out?
I'm a poet who doesn't know it or show it or tow it along ......... to its logical conclusion.
Watch out for Fred 'cos he's not dead he's in quite good stead to bite off the head............ ache.
If you're called Dave and at a rave pills hoard and save and do them all in one go........ to the grave Dave!
If you've time drop a line to say you're mine.............field!

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