Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Pure Murder

The evolution of a heart was all I had to offer and you just could not see or percieve what it would mean to you or me. Like an outdated decaying religion our temple began to crumble. I thought you were going to leave but where we went to was too sacred to retreat from. So you went on sucking my spiritual lifeblood and I couldn't help but feel exillerated and light headed even though all the while knowing you were killing me. Why didn't you just leave when you realized that our love was not on this world and we couldn't live long in the place we go to.WHY? Were you just human after all? That I can't believe for as the blade cut into your belly and the blood showered out so too were many dead spirits freed on the stenching breeze.
And your face! God, I wish you could have seen your own face as you stood there surprised and dying but somehow calm, knowing, and above all beautiful. And both of us were freed.


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