Saturday, September 30, 2006

No comment

As I opened my blog it was the same old story, no comment. So why the hell do I bother? For whom am I writing anyway? Obviously for myself. And for history.
Anyway the next one goes like this....

Old England Is Dying. ( The Waterboys. ) circa '83.

Old England Is Dead. ( Me. ) Now.

The trains used to run on time with almost German efficiency. Dead! The healthcare system worked ( the nurses were underpaid as they still are, ) but people got the proper care. Dead! Local government worked but now it is also corrupt. Just like the national government always has been ! Dead ! The rolling patures full of wheat. Dead ! Now all you see is rape. Eventhough rape is beautiful when in bloom.
The one thing that hasn't died is that the English give out good sex vibes. Or maybe that's only in my imagination !
Petty criminals everywhere. If only the English could wake up to the fact that the British Empire is DEAD maybe they could move forward. In most big towns binge drinking has become the norm in the weekend. Do we blame it on rock'n'roll, do we blame it on the punks of'77 or do we blame it on "I'm alright Jack" Capitalism? The later I think.
But the British sense of humour has never let me down. Long live the British sense of humour.!!!! Long live the activists on any level.. And why is Bitter served cold the last few years? What the fuck is that all about?
I'm an ex-pat and proud of it.. But then again..?
Holland isnt everything . If you take a drink at lunchtime , you're an alcoholic.
I left when Maggie was in power. In '83.

Thank God for Holland! She gave me a chance in life. If I had stayed in England I would be working in a factory or roughing it.

Old England died ten years after I left.
Holland is behind the times. But is catching up fast.
Time for Portugal.!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

tifkap said...

Unfortunately you're right.

And Portugal has nice weather!