Tuesday, October 03, 2006

At 44...........

At 44 is it too late to become a good man? A man without dark thoughts . Sometimes almost evil. I learned to have those thoughts , they were not inherited with birth. I am weak because I don't know how to be re-educated. Guilt which has nothing to do with religion or what others think of me. My own pure guilt!! Ignorance is bliss!! I wish I had not of learned , then I would still have a shred of selfrespect. I don't want to be a bad man but that is what I am despite all the good I do. And I do some good though it's not enough to redeem myself. Not that I think I'm going to Hell or anything . Just dont act on those dark thoughts. I want so much to be a good man. Not for others but for myself.

Maar ik sta overal buiten en op sommige momenten bevalt dat me wel en op sommige momenten dan ook weer niet. MAAR HEEL VAAK ZIT IK ERNAAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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