Thursday, October 05, 2006


Scared of myself and afraid of life I set one foot in front of the other. And all around me I see and hear nothing but strength. The strength of conviction. All they say and all they do is the right thing to say and the right thing to do.
That conviction left me today. It's a real bitch!
Feeling useless and worthless I did my best to work. It hadn't helped that I had not slept the previous night. But sleep deprivation alone shouldn't have this effect!
I was walking down the street, shaking and moving like a spastic! And then from behind me I heard , " Hey, asshole! " If I had eaten the previous day I would have shit myself. I turned around. A man mountain was striding towards me. But he looked surprised.
" Oh, sorry mate" , he said, " but from behind you look just like Pascal. No offence mate."
I thanked fuck I wasn't Pascal and walked on.
Must eat, I thought though I had no hunger. I was just about to enter a bakers shop when a man with blond hair and a leather jacket sprang through the door before me.
" Hey, Pascal", said the bakers wife.
I couldn't stand my ground. I was out the door in a hurry and ate a BigMac a half an hour later. Nobody knew me or Pascal there.
Even with my belly full I felt like shit. Convinced that my eyes were twice their usual size I squinted for the next two hours untill I got home.
I sat on the couch for one and a half hours just staring at the painting on the wall. But she gave me no stength either. She was cool and assured and seemed to be laughing in my face. But hey; she is the innocent one. And I am as guilty as sin.
The morning papers read, ' Pistol Pascal ' shot dead in broard daylight.

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