Tuesday, October 31, 2006

D and H. ( Chapter Three. ) ( Part one.)

The people Sean met were ' Dream Scientists ' , he informed me later in the car on the way back. I hadn't hung around to find out. I went to look at the town but ended up sitting outside a cafe for three hours listening to two old men. It went something like this:
" She had gold claws tipped with sharp cut diamonds, lifeless eyes waiting for heaven, and a beauty ravaged by past conquests. "
" One a month for forty years they say in her land."
" If the truth be known I admired her habit of slow diving at just the right time in rhythm with the mood of the moment. If we had seen then what we see now things would all be different. And for the better! But it's too late now unfortunately. At least we sleep real sleep now that we know. "
" My brother lies upon the rocks. "
" I understand. "
" I pass no judgement. "
"But many do judge and falsely accuse. Time is a trial, I can't deny. Too heavy to hurry. Three days ago I met a man who I saw standing staring in a shop window. He stared at something for an hour and for an hour I watched him in the pouring rain. Eventually I went over to him and asked him what he was looking at. He pointed to a very expensive looking watch and said, " I've thought my whole life that time is money but now it doesn't add up. I wanted to buy that watch but the more I looked at it the more time became ridiculous to me. I don't know where I went wrong but I have no real need of a watch. Nobody does." " A happy man I thought. Reminded me of tangled trip tunes."
" What time is love?"
" Exactly. "
" The secret of his success ; he got intense. "
" Many ways to succeed. I knew a man, personally, who could showboat and win. Effortless grace that claimed good fortune. Nothing could touch him. "
" Was he a happy man. "
" I believe he believed he was a happy man. "
" Hardly the same thing though. "
" I wouldn't know.."
" Oh no, of course , I'd heard........"

Then they stopped talking gibberish and burst into hysterical laughter. Jesus, I thought I was tripping.The whole afternoon was a ball and I was getting paid for it. ( I hoped. )


AND I STEAL !!!!!!!!!!

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