Monday, October 23, 2006

Litter Bug.

I heard it before I saw it. I was on my way home from work , not really paying any attention to anything in particular. Just the traffic and the tourists wandering around without looking out for bicycles. Then the urgent sound of a tram bell rang out and a half of a second later a light crash of metal. The tram had obviously not hit a car, bus or lorry. If I had my i-pod in my ears I woudn't have heard a thing. 'Oh shit', I thought. ' I suppose I should go and take a look. It's a nurses duty afterall'.
So I doubled back on myself to see a small crowd of people standing in front of a still standing tram. There was a woman sprawled out in front of the tram and a mangled bike under its wheels.
I parked and locked my bike, and ran over to the scene. A young policeman was bending over the woman and he was white as a sheet.
" Have you called an ambulance"? I asked.
" Of course I fucking have ". He was in a worse state than the woman on the ground. She was unconcious but bleeding prefusely from her head.
" I'm a nurse, let me try and stop the bleeding ". I said.
" Go ahead" said the cop who looked like he was going to faint.
I always carry an emergency pack of gauze, bandage and plaster with me for just in case. Just if I come across something like this.

Head wounds often seem worse than they often are. I ripped open the package containing the sterile gauze, threw the package to one side and pressed the gauze firmly against her head.
" Hold this tight against her head ", I told the cop. He did it though he was shaking like an leaf.
The gauze was soaked through within five seconds.
' TIGHT against her head ", I tried to say as calmly as possible. The cops' pupils were dilated with fear.
I ripped the packaging of three more sterile gauzes open and threw them to one side.
" Okay ", I said to the cop," take the gauze away and hold her head off the ground while I dress the wound." This he did as though on auto-pilot.
I made a pretty good job of dressing the wound though I do say so myself.
More cops had arrived and then the ambulance. I gave the para -medic what information that I could when he asked who had dressed the wound.
"Head wound 7cm long and 2cm wide . Pulse slow but regular."
" Well done mate , you did a good job. thanks."

The woman was loaded into the ambulance and was driven away with wailling sirens.
The scene was taped off for investigation.

The young cop who had been consoled by his mates now had a better colour in his cheeks. He strolled over to me.
" Excuse me sir but is this your rubbish?" And he pointed to the dicarded packaging of sterile gauzes.
" Yes"????!!
" Then I have to write you a ticket for throwing litter on the street. 50 euro please."
I didn't pull the knife out that was strapped to my calf and I didn't pull the gun that was strapped to my waist.
BUT I BLOODY WELL SHOULD HAVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beware of the flowers cos I'm sure they'er goin' to get you yeah.......

1 comment:

Marchand said...

Another great story from the 1001 nights (in the dark urban area....)