Monday, February 26, 2007

From Dakar to The Shetlands. (But then somewhere cold )

Even though we both had our helmets on before stepping into the car we looked each other in the eyes. Because of his vizier I couldn't see his mouth but I knew he was smiling. We had it in the bag. We've been partners for fifteen years. There's an understanding.
And we were so far ahead in the championship that we only turned up for the appearance money.
To cut a long story short, we were on top of the world but not paying attention to what was important.
I said to Sven, ( the driver ), " Straight ahead 60 " , and bugger me after 30 there was a tree slightly to the left !!!! We just scraped it but then veered off into a ditch to the right.
I've driven with drivers who have given me a punch in the head for a fault of one meter.
As we came to an unexpected,abrupt stop, Sven swung around to the right and I to the left. Our helmets smashed in to each other. We were chin to chin. We grinned at each other. Sven grabbed my helmet and said,"We are the winners" As we sank into what appeared to be a swamp........................

1 comment:

tifkap said...
