Sunday, March 29, 2009

What´s The Frequencey now... ?

So, I boarded my flight out of there... Not to England as I had expected but to somewhere else. You can understand why I can`t be spesific ! But anyway, the destination and the spelling don`t matter... !

I was strapping myself in, feeling pretty safe, pulling the novel from my bag when a woman came and sat next to me. There were so many other seats free....
You don´t mind if I join you do you ? she aked. Didn´t look like I had much of a choise...
`Hi , I´m Mia, ..
´HI , i´m SEE KAY.
I knew that this was the beginning of something but I also knew it would be very dangeruous. But that is how I have always lived.. No surprises there..

Mia had me in her grip with few words....
The rest of the flight will follow. I must still try to figure it out....
Liefs C.K. xxx

Monday, March 23, 2009

Esperwnkg 2.

Smieditch ! mui inta lieste. MONEY ! Sim tercha smedith. Smunco !
Miesh mada kum teramin. Tu metska im ie fil. Smoox auch.
Smeek luug... Cold Killer. xxx


I did´t expect it to go so well. But I met the guy at the appointed time at the appointed place. And over a couple of Scotches he handed me an envelope. The full amount. I could see at a glance.
Have booked my ticket...
Watch out for the larger molecules....
Will be in touch.... Cold Killer. xxx

Delayed Reaction.

The silencer was defect so the would be killer and the would be victim had a days repreave.
But none the less I followed him home from his office. Still with no idea why he should not live anymore. I walked with him into his highrise. I stepped first in the lift.`How high?`I asked.
´7` he said.
`Oh me too`.
As he was looking for his keys I shot him quietly through the head. Don´t know why and don´t need to know.
50,ooo euros. Another life.
Picking the money up later. Have already been congratulated. And if he doesn´t turn up.... You know what´s going to happen !!!!!
When I´m paid I´m out of here. Porto or Cornwall.....
Liefs, Cold Killer. xxx

Sunday, March 22, 2009

On A Road To ... ?

I phoned him today.
The job is easy for someone of my experience. And he had planned everything to the last detail.
I found no problems with his theory..
And tomorrow, god willing, I will be 50,000 euros heavier.

Can´t give too much away obviously. Just come out for Christ´s sakes!

The job will be over before six in the evening.
The less you know the better.
Cold Killer. xxx

Saturday, March 21, 2009

More choises. ( Or the lack there of )

Early this morning I went back to the place where I had eaten my first uitsmijter since I was free.I hadn´t slept well. Pondering the future. (Or what was left of it.)
I was thinking the whole night about flying back to England to see what I could set up there. A small village practice again maybe ?After all, I know how bad background checks are !
The place was sill more or less empty after a half hour or so and I was on my second Scotch. Althogh there were still plenty of free seats a man came and sat opposite me.
My reputation spreads like wildfire.

´C.K. , isn´t it ? he asked.
I peerèd at him over the news paper I was holding and over my reading glasses.
That all depends, I said.
This is my number. I have a job which needs completing in the next two days.
He lifted his jacket to show a 9mm.
I put the number in my pocket.
He got up and left.

Decisions, decisions.....

C. K. xxx

Friday, March 20, 2009

Coming Out. (But where to?)

Came out a few days ago after only a year and a few months. But they only had me for perverting the course of justice so I had done my time. They all knew I had done much worse.
Standing outside the gates I had three options open to me. Turn left to what I used to consider home, go sraight ahead where I was also known or turn right into the unknown. It´s a small city. What the hell. I turned right.
As it was about midday I walked into a cafe for a bite to eat and to try and catch up with the present day. I ordered an uitsmijter and a double Scotch, picked up a news paper and sat at a table. I wasn´t too surprised to see that the world hadn´t changed that much. After all, history does have a tendency to repeat it´s self. Wheather it be weekly,monthly,annualy,decenia or centuries. The Middle East is still at war and the West is still joining in. And now I see the fucking IRA are chancing their arm(s) again.(Wankers)
Had downed my Scotch before the uitsmijter was served so I ordered another. A woman came in and ordered a coffee. She hadn´t noticed me. But with her first sip she slightly turned her head and caught a glimpse out of the corner of her eye. She put her cup down,paid and left in a hurry. Small world, I thought.

My reputation preceeded me.
Trying to stay warm and still taking aim. Love, Cold Killer xxx