Saturday, May 23, 2009

Better Not Ask. ( Oh Lord, Don´t Ask Me Questions.)

Today, for no reason whatsoever I decided to walk to work instead of taking the bike.
When I take the bike to work I make my way through the side streets, but because I was walking I figured the best route was down Main Street.
The side streets have beautiful, curious, magical shops. Antiques and junk, the best bakers, and even a shop dedicated to buttons ! These shops are not open as I pass them but they make me feel good !

So as I said, I was walking down Main Street this morning. Nothing much had changed. All the same global names stretching for four hundred meters.
Half way down Main I came across Billy. I hadn´t seen him for at least two years and we both failed to recognise eachother at first. We were walking toward eachother and it was only when he was about five meters away that I thought I knew who he was. At five meters away he also looked at me with some quizical form of recognition. I couldn´t take the chance of insulting him so as we drew level I said, `Billy?
He looked at me blankly but then the penny dropped. `Hey M. `.
`Billy mate, how are you doin`?
I offered a hand but his eyes were raised to the skies.
After thirty seconds or so his eyes lowered from the heavens and rested deeply in mine. He smiled like coming back from a beautiful dream which he knows he can continue at any time and said.... `What was the question `?
`How are you`, I said.
`Oh, er, well, low or even no self esteem, can´t and don´t want to take care of myself, hate more than fifty percent of the population, I feel sorry for myself but I feel even more sorry for humannity in general, my body feels like thirty, but my anger feels like nineteen. That´s how I am, and you ?`
´Fine mate. Have to get to work.`

I think the best greetings are `Good morning, Good afternoon and Good evening.
But even then some people will interperate that as an invitation to spew their gall.

Won´t take Main Street again in a hurry.
M x

1 comment:

tifkap said...

you ran into in a mirror?