Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Derrick and Susan.

Derrick had had a hard day so he kicked the cat on the way in. The cat hated Derrick as he had many hard days. Susan, Derricks wife, stood in the kitchen preparing the evening meal and still after fifteen years of marriage she was glad to see her husband come home every evening. She loved Derrick very much. The cat hated him. Derrick loved the cat and his wife but he still kicked the cat and didn't pay half as much attention to his wife as he really should. Susan and the cat were very much in love so they were okay.
Derrrick knew he loved his wife, after all he was still here after fifteen years and he liked to come home to her to go out with her, and to be in the same bed with her so that was that. He loved her.
Susan would watch him and listen to him talk and she would be thrilled. She was deeply in love with Derrick. When he said, "I love you", she could almost weep with joy. When he said, "I love you', he knew he should tell his wife this because he was happy. The cat never said anything, just purred and pissed in Derricks shoes whenever he got the chance. Derrick had smelly feet. Susan loved him nonetheless but he was still very embaraced about it.
One day Susan caught the cat pissing in Derricks shoes so she grabbed it by the tail and broke its back over the back of the bed. When she told Derrick that evening he immidiately sliced her throat with a bread knife and fell in love with an actress in Brazil. Her name was Marrianna. Everytime she made a move or made a sound he shivered in ecstatic bliss. But she would smile cooly at him and wonder if a sardine didn't have more brains.
Recently I heard tell of a cat named Susan that stowed away on a flight to Brazil with a bread knife between its teeth. Wheather it relates to Derrick, who was in love, and Marrianna who wasn't I guess we shalll never know because nobody catches up with time but the future catches up with everyone. And I was in love!

1 comment:

tifkap said...

poor cat.