Saturday, March 21, 2009

More choises. ( Or the lack there of )

Early this morning I went back to the place where I had eaten my first uitsmijter since I was free.I hadn´t slept well. Pondering the future. (Or what was left of it.)
I was thinking the whole night about flying back to England to see what I could set up there. A small village practice again maybe ?After all, I know how bad background checks are !
The place was sill more or less empty after a half hour or so and I was on my second Scotch. Althogh there were still plenty of free seats a man came and sat opposite me.
My reputation spreads like wildfire.

´C.K. , isn´t it ? he asked.
I peerèd at him over the news paper I was holding and over my reading glasses.
That all depends, I said.
This is my number. I have a job which needs completing in the next two days.
He lifted his jacket to show a 9mm.
I put the number in my pocket.
He got up and left.

Decisions, decisions.....

C. K. xxx

1 comment:

tifkap said...

To uitsmijter, or not to uitsmijter.